Thursday, June 12, 2014

Prayer Is the Church's Furnace

     I am a big fan of prayer. We know that prayer is talking with God as we would talk to our friend. We let our friend know what is going on.
     On the one hand we understand  God knows all things. That would mean we can't tell God anything He doesn't already know. It also means there isn't anything we can tell Him that will shock Him. And maybe there is nothing that we can say that will cause Him to loved us less.
     He has heard it all.
      That being said we have to realize that prayer has power to get things done. Not always when we wish it to be done. There is a saying that God is an on- time God. He may not act when you want Him to but He always answers on time.
       And prayer is the church's furnace. The prayer room is often referred to as the boiler room of the church. When prayer goes up, is a saying, blessings come down.
        Recently I was handed a devotional by a member of my church. I am a deacon and need to be on the team that pushes prayer as our next step to growth. The idea is to get a group together in our zip code and form a prayer unit that will pray for growth and wisdom.
        Every pastor and congregant needs prayer/.
        That being said let me say this- this little devotional called "The Power Of Prayer" can be reviewed by me this way.-
        A devotional made up of a compilation of the works of E.M. Bounds concerning the subject of prayer.
        Set up as a daily reading per month and day it can be read through in a year’s time.
        Short excerpts with a prayer, attached this devotional will introduce you to the thoughts of Bounds without the reader having to buy and use the three booklets used  by Kobus  Sandenbergh, the compiler.

       It may do you some good but I don't care for devotionals as they seem like predigested food to me. They may offer a springboard for further and deeper exploration.and as such are useful.

      That said I still feel prayer is needed. God wants to hear from you. 
       We pray. He answers.
        In fact He has already answered. His answer is in the Bible. That is why I link prayer with Bible study.

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